Friday, August 10, 2012

How to... leave home

This part seems hard. Or at least it is for me. I would write you a list of all the things you need to pack, etc. but I know at least one of you has already done most of that on her own. I know the hard part is leaving your space, your friends, your comfort zone. Having moved so much I know there is no being prepared for this part, it's hard. But I know too that you are excited about this new adventure and you still have your family, your friends, each other. My M refers to the bond that separates friends at a distance as the rubber band (I've probably told you this before). No matter how far apart you are, the rubber band stretches, adjusts, and you are still connected. (HA! and now you have a blog!)

Since this is my first post (or the acknowledgments or introduction to the survival guide), I would like to acknowledge how proud I am of both of you. It has been a pleasure seeing you grow into beautiful, amazing, talented women (one of you a little longer than the other :)). I have no doubt that you will both have amazing experiences out there in the world. I know, too, that you will have rough days but you are strong and self-aware and you will get through it. And so will I... :)

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